DTIYS: Feefal!
8th March 2019
I’ve been admiring some amazing art being created on social media for fun art challenges like #DrawThisInYourStyle and thought that I’d enjoy trying it out myself.
Art Challenges are a great way to warm up before working on comic pages etc. during the day and I think this particular challenge is a fun way to perhaps get out of my own comfort zone and try my hand at something a little different.

This challenge is a simple enough idea: another artist posts an original artwork of their own (typically a character) and other artists are challenged to recreate that artwork in their own style. In practice it can be harder than it looks as some designs better suit specific styles and sometimes the part that makes a piece eye catching is something an artist may struggle with.

In this case I chose Feefal‘s awesome looking “bloody demon babe“. I’ve never been 100% happy with the way that I draw hair and hoped that this might be a good study to attempt in my style.
You really should check out Feefal’s work on Instagram – there are some stunning pieces of character design and plenty of spooky cuties to admire.
I definitely think that I’ll be doing more of these challenges in the future – are there any that you’d like to see me attempt?
Let me know on social media!
Until next time!