Comic Creators For Freedom 2013!
11th December 2013
The Comic Creators for Freedom fundraiser is back! It’s our fourth year and we’re ready to make a difference!
Each year, over 100 comic creators from around the world come together to raise funds in support of Love146. We comic book creators are a notoriously passionate, outspoken ilk, but we found one thing we all could agree on: every child deserves a chance go grow up safe and happy. Most of us spend our days writing and drawing stories about brave heroes. Banding together to form the Comic Creators for Freedom, we finally have a chance to become the heroes.
Superheroes come to the rescue. That is why we are raising money specifically for Love146 and their work in providing care to survivors of child trafficking and sexual exploitation.

We urge you to join the fight with us!
Here’s how it works: each comic creator donates an original drawing of their own character and then the 100+ drawings are compiled into a single piece of art. That image is then given as a donation reward during our fundraising drive as a downloadable wallpaper for your computer desktop. So far we’ve raised over $22,000!
This year…
The first three Comic Creators For Freedom wallpapers featured exclusively female characters in an attempt to draw awareness about the disproportionate number of girls at risk for human trafficking. This year, though, we wanted the world to know that both sexes are affected.
For the first time, the CCF is encouraging artists to send in drawings of either male or female characters, the catch is, they must be drawn as kids: this year’s theme is Awkward School Photos!
There are 167 comic creators who have added their characters to the cause for 2013, and some are even offering extra incentives including wallpapers, comic books, postcards, and stickers from some of your favourite comic creators.
To check out details of bonus items check out the Comic Creators For Freedom Facebook page… but to be eligible to get any of those items you need to donate here:
Remember: the drive ends on 14th December so make sure to donate and spread the word before then!
UPDATE (22/12/2013): I’d just like to thank everyone who got involved and donated to the Comic Creators For Freedom drive this year. Every year you guys always come through and this year was no different. When the fund raising drive ended we had managed to not only raise our goal amount of $5,000 – but beat it to raise a total of $6,414 which will all go direct to Love146 to help with their after care services for child victims of human trafficking. And what better way to start the holiday season than with managing to help improve childrens lives.
Thank you for all of your support!