Webcomic WAR! 2010!
6th March 2010
Last year we watched on with amusement at the antics of these pathetic mice as they fought their futile battles. We saw them flex their muscles. We watched as they obliterated one another with minor spells for our amusement. As they clashed poorly-tempered steel in a desperate attempt to show which of them was the greatest.
We are of course referring to the Webcomic WAR! of 2009. Alas it returns. And this year they have called out for every Evil Genius the land of WEB has to offer… and so, the mighty Feran warlords of the Marucci line deign to come forth and battle these creatures who dare challenge us.
So it is time, to call our fellow FERANs to battle. We must rally our minions, construct the ultimate in battle automotons, forge the finest weapons and build the greatest defenses. It is time, my friends- for FERA to take its place as the greatest webcomic in this battle of wits, might and courage.
And what can you do to help make this happen? Our loyal followers, that is quite simple. In order to best our nemesis Amuletts of Epic Fail and the hordes of other webcomic would-be-victors in this glorious battle- we first require resources to construct our arsenal.
This is where you come in.
The following gains us resources in units known by the mysterious term “parts”. You must search out these “parts” by performing the following acts of bravery and dastardly cunning:
1) Plug and Link FERA any where you can (no trolling or spamming- we want to increase our minions not have our might crippled by moderators).
2) Write a review of FERA and post it on your blog, website etc.- any where you can muster.
3) Rate, review of subscribe/favourite FERA on any or all of the following:
- WebComicZ
- The WebComic List
- Belfry Comics
- Comic Hovel (Don’t forget to VOTE for us here too).
- Comic Listing
- Komix!
- Top Online Comics
4) Vote for FERA here:
5) Rate FERA highly on COMICLY.COM by following these links:
- Comicly – Fera: Introductions
- Comicly- Fera: Kato’s first appearance
- Comicly- Fera: Arcanus Guardian System Active
6) Comment on your favourite FERA page- interact with me on there, on social media or even ask me something about the comic on formspring!
7) There is now a downloadable version of the FERA flyer on deviantArt– I’ve reduced the colours as much as possible to help with printing costs. Feel free to download and print these off- stick them in your local shop window, leave a pile of them at the local comic shop etc. In general get the word out.
8 ) Do you run a podcast or interview site? Email me using the form on the contact page and we can arrange a text based interview or a podcast appearance!
9) Create some fanart to post on your online galleries and link it to us- let me know so that I can add it to our fanart gallery on the main site!
Don’t forget you can also join our fan club and interact on deviantArt as well as joining our fan page on Facebook– in the coming weeks we’ll be offering contests and prizes for lucky fans that may very well be exclusive to members of these two groups.
*** REMEMBER: In all of the above cases- send us links to what you’ve done, if you’ve posted a review- link it in a comment on this page. If you’ve voted for us- tell us in the same way. And if you’ve posted flyers etc. let us know in the same way (photo’s are always nice too if possible)! ***
Now for the fun part, because I’m sure I’ve just completely overloaded you with links. I’ve asked for the assistance of you, my loyal minions, in this epic task so that we might take our rightful place as survivors nay victors of the Webcomic WAR! 2010… the glory of this victory and your assistance is all that we ask.
I’ll be keeping an eye on our minions and those who exceed our expectations- the one of you who make the most effort and gives us the most support- will receive a full colour A4 size piece of artwork created by yours truly. It will be signed and you can choose what it will be of, as well as if you want it to be sent via email as a digital file OR posted to you as a physical print. This piece will be one of a kind, and a low resolution- watermarked version will appear on this site as part of the promo for this event.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and make some noise- support the greatest webcomic in the world and bring us that much closer to victory in the Webcomic WAR! 2010.